Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Is It Hard?

                                                  Is It Hard?
                                                  by: radicalroy (7-7-2007, Solo,Indonesia)

Pride goes before a fall. Justice is good! Is there anybody more annoying than a know-it-all? You know the kind-the straight-A student who has an answer for every question in every class, or the girl who has some high and lofty opinion on everything from the clothes you’re wearing to the solution for world peace, or the guy who would never in a million years admit that the way he treated his girlfriend was wrong.

People like that have a problem much bigger than their annoying behavior-they’ve got a huge problem with pride. For religious people come right out and say that God detest pride. Exactly what is-and isn’t-sinful pride?

The kind of pride that is bad is an arrogant, egotistic attitude of superiority. People who are afflicted with it defy anyone who holds any kind of authority over them, at least they try to. They’re always right, never wrong (just ask them)-and they don’t exactly spend a lot of time confessing their sin to God. In fact, they are often so blind that they pride themselves on their lack of mistake!

If you’re not careful, your pride will tune out and turn up the volume of self-righteousness in your own head. You might think this way; I know what I’m doing! It’s my life, and you just shove off. A few months later, you still refuse to admit you were wrong, even yourself. Until you confess your pride and pay attention to warning, you’ll be slinking along a surefire path to moral failure.

The ability to admit that you are wrong and humble yourself before God is another mark of maturity. Being in the wrong is not such a terrible thing; staying in the wrong is. When you are wrong, admit it-then get up, make the wrong things right, and use what you’ve learned to ward off failure in the future.

Real Boys, Real Answer

                                                    by: radicalroy

Flirting. For some it comes easy, for some it’s pretty tough. But what do the objects of our affection feel? Do they like flirting, or does it make them feel uncomfortable? Is it a turn-on or a turn-off?
Real boys give real answer

What do you most wish girls knew about their feelings? 

Girls, Girls, Girls!

For Girls
by: radicalroy

What happens when the “knight in shining armor” gets “tossed from his horse?” Sure, he seems pretty cool at first. Maybe even downright charming. But after you get to know him a bit more, he’s not at all he seems. And you wish you had known him
better in the first place. Sound familiar?

Girls you may answer this:

What do you wish you had known about guys before you started dating?